Stockings and compression socks can offer relief for a number of problems, ranging from achy legs to varicose veins, circulation issues, and more. But if you've not purchased compression socks previously, then you might not be aware that there are several degrees of compression, and each one is made to aid in different conditions. If you've been issued a prescription from a doctor with regard to compression socks and stockings, then the prescription should specify the level of compression socks you'll need. If there's no such prescription or whether you're simply seeking running compression socks clothing as a form of relief from general aches, keep reading to learn how to select the appropriate level of compression to suit your needs.
8-15 mmHg
The amount of compression that is present in compression clothing are measured as millimeters or mmHg. You don't need to get too concerned about what exactly that means but just be aware that the greater the number, the higher the compression rate.
The most basic level of compression socks ranges between 8 and 15 millimeters of mercury. It's an ideal level in compression socks whether you're just looking for something to ease stiff, tired legs. They can help improve circulation in your legs to limit swelling and stimulate the region. They're also often used by people with diabetes which can affect blood flow in their extremities.
15-20 mmHg
This gentle level of compression is useful for minor or moderate swelling, achiness and pain, as well as helping to prevent varicose veins (particularly during pregnancy). They are also helpful to wear during travel to avoid deep vein thrombosis or if you sit or stand for extended periods throughout the daytime. They could also be prescribed by a physician to treat Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS).
20-30 mmHg
This middle-range compression level is the most commonly prescribed by doctors, and they're used to treat a variety of ailments. A few of the most common issues treated with this level of compression include varicose veins deep vein thrombosis moderate edema, and post-surgery. Other conditions treated with this compression level include lymphedema, May-Thurner's syndrome, and orthostatic hypotension and they are prescribed following certain surgeries. Also, you may see socks labeled as "firm" compression or Class I compression. If you can buy best compression socks online.
30-40 mmHg
This type of compression could also be labeled as Class II compression and is usually prescribed for more serious cases of varicose venous varicose veins as well as severe edema, deep vein thrombosis. They are also prescribed for more serious cases of many of the conditions mentioned in the previous section. You'll also see them being prescribed post-sclerotherapy to heal active vein stasis ulcers. This is an extremely high level of compression. It is recommended that you avoid purchasing and wearing these without an appointment with a doctor.

40-50 mmHg
This is the highest level of compression you can get from the majority of medicine supply retailers. Also called the Class III compression. The level of a level of running compression socks is only to be worn when prescribed by a doctor. The prescription for this kind of compression garment is normally prescribed to treat chronic venous insufficiency or post-thrombotic disorder. It is however not incredibly common for a doctor to prescribe this level of compressive level. one of the less compressive levels is typically sufficient in most cases.
Selecting the Best One
If you're searching for a compression socks without a prescription, you will likely want either the 8-15 mmHg or 15-20 mmHg of compression. This compression level is most likely to be sufficient for treating the most commonly encountered issues such as achiness, swelling, tiredness and minor varicose veins around the legs. If you're dealing with an issue that's more serious, you should consult with your doctor about whether or not the compression sock could help and at what level of compression socks they'd recommend.
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